Carissimos preciso da vossa ajuda:
Recentemente consegui comprar um broadlink pro+ e o mini 3 por 35€ até ai excelente.
Chego a casa e agarro no meu comando BTcino 4050 programo, faço o teste e…nada.
O receptor acusa a recepção do sinal mas não faz a actuação, ja andei na domotica tentar adicionar novo comando, actualizar comando, mas nada.
O comando é este:
E nas specs, altamente detalhas tenho isto:
This easy to use IR remote control allows all operations to be carried out
activation and deactivation of the system or confirmation of the settings and can be coded
automatically through the control panel and ensures 4,000,000 combinations. The
particular programming procedure does not allow to become aware of
code ensuring maximum security. The user can in any case modify this code
through a simple operation. Each system can recognize a maximum number
of 30 remotes if the control unit art. L / N / NT4600 / 4 or maximum 50
remote controls if the control unit art. 3486 and they can be programmed for
the activation of several plants allowing, for example, the management of the home and plant
of the office with a single remote control.
The remote control is not managed in systems with central art. 3485 / B e
art. HC / HD / HS / L / N / NT4601.
Será que isto é um rolling code? Caso afirmativo ha forma de contornar?