NS Panel pro ligação SSH/USB

Alguém aqui na comunidade sabe se a versão V2.1.0 do firmware no NS Panel Pro bloqueia a comunicação atraves de SSH e através de USB? Segui todos os passos do BLAKADDER, instalei o Google USB drive através do Android studio, mas não consigo ver o controlador usb px30_evb no gestor de dispositivos do PC.
Quando ligo o cabo usb do NS panel ao computador aparece um pop-up, notificação de como quero gerir o px30_evb, dando a noção que está instalado, mas não consigo comunicação, para poder instalar a HA companion app.
Alguem aqui já brincou com este device?

Tive o mesmo problema resolvi assim :
V1.4 Changes
Seems Itead is intent on locking things down and has disabled the developer mode in versions 1.4 and up but there’s a way, courtesy of Filya75 on Home Assistant forum

I ran into this too, however I found a solution:

1.I connected the panel via USB 2.Started panel recovery by turning off the power 5 times when the animated logo appears. 3.After restoring the panel, I continuously gave the adb devices -l command in the command line, and as soon as the panel appeared in the list, I immediately launched the launcher installation. adb install ultra-small-launcher.apk 4.After the reboot, I selected the launcher as the default application and through Go to Settings → System → About tablet → Build Number and tap the “Build Number” option 7 times to enable developer options enabled USB debugging

and experience from ian.tait

I got the exact same thing to start with. Keep pushing the installation after the recovery process has completed.

That first reboot after the recovery is when to push the launcher. I found mine took after the spinning Sonoff graphic and just as CAST comes up on the screen and it was too late once the eWelink log comes up. I hope this narrows the timing for you. Once pushed I completed the eWelink setup with the QR code and went to About and selected Reboot. On the next load it gave me the option to choose launcher. I selected Always.

Once loaded in, I went to About and activated Dev mode (blah blah, you get this bit). In the Dev Mode menu, I enabled USB debugging.

I then turned it off and put it all back together. Now it is back together, I can continue with the great doc from blakadder using the connect command. This allows you to continue the setup over the air and has no need for USB cables.

In summary, spam it, it will take I promise as it worked for me last night. Spent hours on making this work, and thanks to Filya75, I had this nailed in an hour.

Obrigado pela dica. Vou tentar.

1 Curtiu

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