Erro Zigbee2mqtt

Boa noite,

Será podem ajudar… não sei o que se passou, mas o log do zigbee2mqtt :

[Info] Configuration file found. Will overwrite configurable fields with values from add-on configuration
[Info] Configuration written to /share/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml
[2018-10-02T00:09:31.794Z] PM2 log: Launching in no daemon mode
[2018-10-02T00:09:32.772Z] PM2 log: Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:npm id:0
[2018-10-02T00:09:32.843Z] PM2 log: App name:npm id:0 online

zigbee2mqtt@0.1.6 start /zigbee2mqtt-0.1.6
node index.js
zigbee2mqtt:info 2018-10-2 00:09:41 Logging to directory: ‘/share/zigbee2mqtt/log/2018-10-02.00-09-41’
zigbee2mqtt:info 2018-10-2 00:09:44 Starting zigbee2mqtt version 0.1.6 (commit #unknown)
zigbee2mqtt:info 2018-10-2 00:09:44 Starting zigbee-shepherd
if (err) { throw err; }
Error: More than 10% of the data file is corrupt, the wrong beforeDeserialization hook may be used. Cautiously refusing to start NeDB to prevent dataloss
at Persistence.treatRawData (/zigbee2mqtt-0.1.6/node_modules/nedb/lib/persistence.js:242:11)
at /zigbee2mqtt-0.1.6/node_modules/nedb/lib/persistence.js:281:38
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:511:3)
npm ERR! errno 1
ERR! zigbee2mqtt@0.1.6 start: node index.js
npm ERR!
Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the zigbee2mqtt@0.1.6 start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2018-10-01T23_09_44_536Z-debug.log
[2018-10-02T00:09:45.193Z] PM2 log: App [npm] with id [0] and pid [22], exited with code [1] via signal [SIGINT]
[2018-10-02T00:09:45.209Z] PM2 log: Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:npm id:0
[2018-10-02T00:09:45.244Z] PM2 log: App name:npm id:0 online

Experimenta desinstalar o Zigbee2MQTT e tornar a instalar. Parece ser um ficheiro corrompido que está a causar esse erro.

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