Configuração inicial (Rpi + Hassio + CC2531 + Lampada Ikea)

A parte das automações não podem ficar dentro do ficheiro configuration.yaml. Tens de meter dentro do ficheiro automation.yaml uma vez que não tens packages.

Obrigado @maxcalavera
Mas tendo na configuração do zigbee2mqtt o permit_join”: true em princípio não preciso das automações para emparelhar a lâmpada, correcto? Neste momento eu nem consigo que a lâmapada aparece nos logs do zigbee2mqtt.

E no log do mqtt aparece tudo bem? O zigbee2mqtt conseque se ligar ao mqtt? Já viste site como emparelhar a lâmpada? Comigo não consegui emparelhar um sensor de temperatura e testei outro e funcionou. O de temperatura não estava a funcionar. Já experimentaste trocar de dispositivo?

Em princípio sim:

1562693293: New client connected from as mqttjs_a4a8b02f (p2, c1, k60, u'mqttuser01').

Sim, foi precisamente aí que vi que a lâmpada é suportada e onde vi a instruções para o reset.

Desde o início que estou inclinado para a lâmpada e quando passar pelo Ikea vou trocá-la para testar outra.

@rjmontenegro às vezes é cansativo conseguir emparelhar um equipamento co CC2531.

No caso da lªampada se nºao fez a variaçºao no brilho, é porque não fez reset. se não esotu em erro é ligar e depois desligar e ligar 6x com intervalos não superiores a 1s

por x não é fácil e já tive situações em que foram 10x para lhe conseguir fazer o reset.
duvido que seja um problema da lâmpada :thinking:

Penso que o @tmarquespt refere uma coisa importante. Se a lampada não faz a variação de brilho é porque não fez o reset e sem reset não a vais conseguir ligar ao CC2531.

Sim, no video isso é claro e eu nunca o consegui. Daí suspeitar da lâmpada.
Quando tiver um bocadinho volto ao assunto a ver se consigo. Se na configuração/logs está tudo ok, não pode ser outra coisa…

Não obstante do atual tema, creio que as lâmpadas ainda não funcionam corretamente no z2m e cc : - O estado não é atualizado devidamente.

@tmarquespt podes confirmar se o problema já está resolvido?

@tmarquespt pelo tutorial que ele fez penso que só conseguiu sincronizar as lâmpadas com uma determinada versão de firmeware. Eu com a versão de firmeware que tenho ainda não consigo ter a funcionar o botão do ikea pois a versão de firmeware que tenho ainda não o suporta. Por isso acho que é altamente recomendo ter o firmware do CC sempre atualizado. Estou a espera do meu, debugger para testar essa teoria.

O status já está resolvido. Mas o comportamento de dim é mau. Não interessa para o caso, ele só quer testar

Esquece isso tudo. Isso foi feito quando o zigbee2mqtt apareceu. Agora tens de usar o fw específico do z2m. Tenho de actualizar esses tutorial

1 Curtiu

O CC2531 que ele tem fui eu que flashei e aparece no log como Coordinator firmware version: '20190608'

1 Curtiu

@j_assuncao só me lembrei desse pormenor porque me lembro de ter ligo isso no tutorial do Tiago. Como ele não especificou a versão…

Sim e foi bem lembrado. Mas neste caso estava sob controlo. Penso que o problema poderá estar na lâmpada. Existem várias coisas a verificar aqui:

  1. CC2531 instalado e a comunicar com o Z2M - segundo o log o CC2531 é reconhecido Coordinator firmware version: '20190608'
  2. Z2M configurado e a comunicar com o MQTT - segundo o log não se liga ao broker Not connected to MQTT server!
  3. Z2M com o join activado - segundo o log está activado permit_join set to "true" in configuration.yaml
  4. Emparelhamento da lâmpada com o Z2M - segundo o log não é encontrado nenhum dispositivo

@rjmontenegro para despistar um possível problema que existia à umas versões atrás, experimenta criar um novo utilizador na interface do HA com privilégios de administração. Depois usa esse user e pass e configura-os nas respectivas entradas do MQTT (mosquitto) e Z2M. Por fim altera a entrada da configuração do addon do Z2M de "mqtt_server": "mqtt://" para “mqtt_server”: “”.

Depois reinicia o Rpi por completo e tenta de novo. Se tiveres erros nos logs mostra quais são.

1 Curtiu

Obrigado a todos pela ajuda.
@j_assuncao o Z2M após o arranque apresenta sempre vários registos de “Not connected to MQTT server” mas após algum tempo parece que se liga correctamente. No log que enviei esses erros de not connected são das 18:xx:xx e, para não ficar muito extenso, retirei algumas linhas até às 9:xx:xx. No fds vou fazer o que recomendas e depois coloco aqui os logs completos.

confirmas que é HTTP://?


Sim, confirmo que deves trocar mqtt:// por http://.

Eu tenho assim a confirmação do addon.

  "data_path": "/share/zigbee2mqtt",
  "homeassistant": true,
  "permit_join": false,
  "mqtt_base_topic": "zigbee2mqtt",
  "mqtt_server": "mqtt://homeassistant",
  "serial_port": "/dev/ttyACM0",
  "devices": [],
  "network_key": []

Fiz as alterações que indicaste e entretanto já consegui colocar a lâmpada a funcionar. Ainda não tive tempo de verificar, trocando algumas configurações, mas parece-me que o problema sempre esteve no reset da lâmpada e não na configuração. Quando tiver mais algum tempo vou testar e coloco aqui os testes que fiz.
Neste lâmpada o reset tem de ser bem mais rápido que o que é explicado no video. Só assim, após dezenas de tentativas, é que consegui fazer reset à lampada… Uffaaaa.
Deixo aqui o log onde invariavelmente dá erro de ligação ao mqtt server, isto quando arranca o PI:

7/15/2019, 7:42:46 AM - info: Logging to directory: '/share/zigbee2mqtt/log/2019-07-15.07-42-46'
7/15/2019, 7:42:47 AM - debug: Removing old log directory '/share/zigbee2mqtt/log/2019-07-06.15-07-27'
7/15/2019, 7:43:10 AM - debug: Using zigbee-shepherd with settings: '{"net":{"panId":6754,"extPanId":[221,221,221,221,221,221,221,221],"channelList":[11],"precfgkey":"HIDDEN"},"dbPath":"/share/zigbee2mqtt/database.db","coordBackupPath":"/share/zigbee2mqtt/coordinator_backup.json","sp":{"baudRate":115200,"rtscts":true}}'
7/15/2019, 7:43:12 AM - debug: Loaded state from file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 7:43:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 7:43:13 AM - info: Starting zigbee2mqtt version 1.4.0 (commit #unknown)
7/15/2019, 7:43:13 AM - info: Starting zigbee-shepherd
7/15/2019, 7:43:24 AM - info: zigbee-shepherd started
7/15/2019, 7:43:24 AM - info: Coordinator firmware version: '20190608'
7/15/2019, 7:43:24 AM - debug: zigbee-shepherd info: {"enabled":true,"net":{"state":"Coordinator","channel":"11","panId":6754,"extPanId":[221,221,221,221,221,221,221,221],"ieeeAddr":"0x00124b0018e1e945","nwkAddr":0},"firmware":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"version":"2.6.3","revision":20190608},"startTime":1563173004,"joinTimeLeft":0}
7/15/2019, 7:43:25 AM - info: Currently 0 devices are joined:
7/15/2019, 7:43:25 AM - warn: `permit_join` set to  `true` in configuration.yaml.
7/15/2019, 7:43:25 AM - warn: Allowing new devices to join.
7/15/2019, 7:43:25 AM - warn: Set `permit_join` to `false` once you joined all devices.
7/15/2019, 7:43:25 AM - info: Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.
7/15/2019, 7:43:25 AM - info: Connecting to MQTT server at
7/15/2019, 7:43:31 AM - info: zigbee-shepherd ready
7/15/2019, 7:43:34 AM - debug: Mounted the cieApp (epId 11)
7/15/2019, 7:46:41 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:46:45 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 7:46:51 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:48:11 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:48:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 7:48:21 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:50:01 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:50:05 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 7:50:11 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:53:11 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:53:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 7:53:21 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:53:25 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 7:53:31 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:56:41 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:56:45 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 7:56:51 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:58:11 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:58:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 7:58:21 AM - error: Not connected to MQTT server!
7/15/2019, 7:58:29 AM - info: Connected to MQTT server
7/15/2019, 7:58:29 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', payload 'online'
7/15/2019, 7:58:30 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', payload '{"version":"1.4.0","commit":"unknown","coordinator":20190608,"log_level":"debug","permit_join":true}'
7/15/2019, 8:00:05 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join' with data 'true'
7/15/2019, 8:00:05 AM - info: Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.
7/15/2019, 8:00:06 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 8:00:06 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', payload '{"version":"1.4.0","commit":"unknown","coordinator":20190608,"log_level":"debug","permit_join":true}'
7/15/2019, 8:03:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 8:03:25 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 8:06:45 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 8:08:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 8:10:05 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 8:10:06 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join' with data 'false'
7/15/2019, 8:10:06 AM - info: Zigbee: disabling joining new devices.
7/15/2019, 8:10:06 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join' with data 'false'
7/15/2019, 8:10:06 AM - info: Zigbee: disabling joining new devices.
7/15/2019, 8:10:07 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', payload '{"version":"1.4.0","commit":"unknown","coordinator":20190608,"log_level":"debug","permit_join":false}'
7/15/2019, 8:13:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 8:58:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 8:59:41 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join' with data 'true'
7/15/2019, 8:59:41 AM - info: Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.
7/15/2019, 8:59:41 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', payload '{"version":"1.4.0","commit":"unknown","coordinator":20190608,"log_level":"debug","permit_join":true}'
7/15/2019, 9:03:01 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 9:03:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 9:06:21 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 9:08:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 9:09:41 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 9:09:42 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join' with data 'false'
7/15/2019, 9:09:42 AM - info: Zigbee: disabling joining new devices.
7/15/2019, 9:09:42 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join' with data 'false'
7/15/2019, 9:09:42 AM - info: Zigbee: disabling joining new devices.
7/15/2019, 9:09:43 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', payload '{"version":"1.4.0","commit":"unknown","coordinator":20190608,"log_level":"debug","permit_join":false}'
7/15/2019, 9:13:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 9:18:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 9:58:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 10:03:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 10:05:52 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join' with data 'true'
7/15/2019, 10:05:52 AM - info: Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.
7/15/2019, 10:05:53 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', payload '{"version":"1.4.0","commit":"unknown","coordinator":20190608,"log_level":"debug","permit_join":true}'
7/15/2019, 10:06:54 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"manufacturerName":"IKEA of Sweden","modelId":"TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm","powerSource":1}}' of device 'undefined' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:06:54 AM - info: New device 'undefined' with address 0x000b57fffe48a8b6 connected!
7/15/2019, 10:06:54 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 10:06:54 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"device_connected","message":"0x000b57fffe48a8b6","meta":{}}'
7/15/2019, 10:06:54 AM - warn: Device with modelID 'undefined' is not supported.
7/15/2019, 10:06:54 AM - warn: Please see:
7/15/2019, 10:06:55 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genBasic","data":{"zclVersion":1,"appVersion":17,"stackVersion":87,"hwVersion":1,"dateCode":"20170302","swBuildId":"1.2.214"}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:06:55 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/light/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/light/config', payload '{"brightness":true,"schema":"json","command_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/set","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6","name":"0x000b57fffe48a8b6_light","unique_id":"0x000b57fffe48a8b6_light_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x000b57fffe48a8b6","name":"0x000b57fffe48a8b6","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.4.0","model":"TRADFRI LED bulb E12/E14/E17 400 lumen, dimmable warm white, chandelier opal (LED1649C5)","manufacturer":"IKEA"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}'
7/15/2019, 10:06:55 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'homeassistant/sensor/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/linkquality/config', payload '{"unit_of_measurement":"-","value_template":"{{ value_json.linkquality }}","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6","name":"0x000b57fffe48a8b6_linkquality","unique_id":"0x000b57fffe48a8b6_linkquality_zigbee2mqtt","device":{"identifiers":"zigbee2mqtt_0x000b57fffe48a8b6","name":"0x000b57fffe48a8b6","sw_version":"Zigbee2mqtt 1.4.0","model":"TRADFRI LED bulb E12/E14/E17 400 lumen, dimmable warm white, chandelier opal (LED1649C5)","manufacturer":"IKEA"},"availability_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}'
7/15/2019, 10:06:58 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"'
7/15/2019, 10:06:59 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"'
7/15/2019, 10:06:59 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'endDeviceAnnce' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:06:59 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"'
7/15/2019, 10:07:00 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'endDeviceAnnce' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:07:00 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"'
7/15/2019, 10:07:01 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'endDeviceAnnce' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:07:15 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'endDeviceAnnce' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:07:17 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"haDiagnostic","data":{"numberOfResets":0,"macRxBcast":0,"macTxBcast":0,"aPSRxBcast":0,"aPSTxBcast":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:07:17 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"haDiagnostic","data":{"nwkFcFailure":0,"packetBufferAllocateFailures":0,"averageMacRetryPerApsMessageSent":0,"lastMessageLqi":255,"lastMessageRssi":-27}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:07:18 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"haDiagnostic","data":{"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:07:18 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"'
7/15/2019, 10:07:18 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"lightLink","data":{"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:07:18 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devInterview' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"'
7/15/2019, 10:07:19 AM - debug: Accept device incoming with ieeeAddr '0x000b57fffe48a8b6' permit join is 'true'
7/15/2019, 10:07:19 AM - debug: Allowing device '0x000b57fffe48a8b6' to join
7/15/2019, 10:07:19 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devIncoming' with data '"0x000b57fffe48a8b6"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:07:19 AM - info: Device incoming...
7/15/2019, 10:07:19 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', payload '{"type":"pairing","message":"device incoming"}'
7/15/2019, 10:07:19 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devStatus' with data '"online"' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:08:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 10:09:12 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 10:11:42 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/set' with data '{"state": "ON"}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:42 AM - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe48a8b6', genOnOff - on - {} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null
7/15/2019, 10:11:43 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON"}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:45 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"16387":1,"onOff":1,"globalSceneCtrl":1,"onTime":0,"offWaitTime":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:45 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:45 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"16387":1,"onOff":1,"globalSceneCtrl":1,"onTime":0,"offWaitTime":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:45 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:46 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:46 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:46 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genOnOff","data":{"16387":1,"65533":1,"onOff":1,"globalSceneCtrl":1,"onTime":0,"offWaitTime":0}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:46 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:47 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/set' with data '{"state": "ON", "brightness": 175}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:47 AM - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe48a8b6', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":175,"transtime":0} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null
7/15/2019, 10:11:48 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":175}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:50 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"15":0,"currentLevel":175,"remainingTime":0,"onOffTransitionTime":5,"onLevel":255}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:50 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":175}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:50 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"15":0,"currentLevel":175,"remainingTime":0,"onOffTransitionTime":5,"onLevel":255}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:51 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/set' with data '{"state": "ON", "brightness": 53}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:51 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"16384":254,"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:51 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"16384":254,"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:51 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"15":0,"16384":254,"65533":1,"currentLevel":175,"remainingTime":0,"onOffTransitionTime":5,"onLevel":255}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:51 AM - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe48a8b6', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":53,"transtime":0} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null
7/15/2019, 10:11:51 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":53}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:52 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"15":0,"currentLevel":53,"remainingTime":0,"onOffTransitionTime":5,"onLevel":255}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:52 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":53}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:52 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":53}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:53 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"16384":254,"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:53 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":53}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:53 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/set' with data '{"state": "ON", "brightness": 196}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:54 AM - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe48a8b6', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":196,"transtime":0} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null
7/15/2019, 10:11:54 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":196}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:55 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"15":0,"currentLevel":196,"remainingTime":0,"onOffTransitionTime":5,"onLevel":255}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:55 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":196}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:56 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":196}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:56 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"16384":254,"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:56 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":196}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:57 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/set' with data '{"state": "ON", "brightness": 239}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:57 AM - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe48a8b6', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":239,"transtime":0} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null
7/15/2019, 10:11:58 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":239}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:59 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"15":0,"currentLevel":239,"remainingTime":0,"onOffTransitionTime":5,"onLevel":255}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:59 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":239}'
7/15/2019, 10:11:59 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":239}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:59 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"16384":254,"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:11:59 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":239}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:00 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/set' with data '{"state": "ON", "brightness": 15}'
7/15/2019, 10:12:00 AM - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe48a8b6', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":15,"transtime":0} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null
7/15/2019, 10:12:01 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":15}'
7/15/2019, 10:12:02 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"15":0,"currentLevel":15,"remainingTime":0,"onOffTransitionTime":5,"onLevel":255}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:02 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":15}'
7/15/2019, 10:12:02 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":15}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:03 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"16384":254,"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:03 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":15}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:04 AM - debug: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6/set' with data '{"state": "ON", "brightness": 10}'
7/15/2019, 10:12:04 AM - info: Zigbee publish to device '0x000b57fffe48a8b6', genLevelCtrl - moveToLevelWithOnOff - {"level":10,"transtime":0} - {"manufSpec":0,"disDefaultRsp":0} - null
7/15/2019, 10:12:05 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":10}'
7/15/2019, 10:12:06 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"15":0,"currentLevel":10,"remainingTime":0,"onOffTransitionTime":5,"onLevel":255}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:06 AM - info: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/0x000b57fffe48a8b6', payload '{"state":"ON","linkquality":181,"brightness":10}'
7/15/2019, 10:12:06 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":10}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:07 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'readRsp' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"16384":254,"65533":1}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:07 AM - debug: Received zigbee message of type 'devChange' with data '{"cid":"genLevelCtrl","data":{"currentLevel":10}}' of device 'TRADFRI bulb E14 W op/ch 400lm' (0x000b57fffe48a8b6) of endpoint 1
7/15/2019, 10:12:32 AM - info: Succesfully reenabled joining
7/15/2019, 10:13:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
7/15/2019, 10:18:12 AM - debug: Saving state to file /share/zigbee2mqtt/state.json

Obrigado a todos pela ajuda.

Se te referes a arrancar o Rpi a frio (ligar a alimentação depois de ter sido desligada) isso é perfeitamente normal pois, possivelmente, o addon do Z2M levanta primeiro que o addon do MQTT o que faz com que o Z2M se tente ligar ao broker e não consiga.

A post was split to a new topic: Problemas com Zigbee2MQTT

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